

All the latest news about Firstport and the social entrepreneurs we support.

Music star swaps the stage to fight against plastic.

Circular Economy, SEF - Start it

Suzie Bowman and Billy Kennedy launch social enterprise aimed at reducing single-use plastic

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SEF has re-opened. Are you thinking about applying? Start here

Read on and find out more about the different funds you can apply to, which one is the right for you and what has changed post-COVID.

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The Social Entrepreneurs Fund is back for good (ideas)

The Social Entrepreneurs Fund has re-opened and is ready to welcome applications.

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Awards Made by the Third Sector Resilience Fund

A list of organisations that have been awarded funding by the Third Sector Resilience Fund.

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Firstport’s Statement on Black Lives Matter

Diversity & Inclusion

We stand against racism in all its forms and are committed to building a more diverse sector.

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Hand-crafted face coverings for sale now!

What If… North Edinburgh participant Francia Boakye has taken on a new and exciting challenge during the COVID-19 lock down. Based in Muirhouse, Francia has applied her sewing skills to produce beautiful customized face coverings available to buy now!

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COVID-19 Support for Firstport awardees

Firstport are here to offer you support during this time, please get in touch to let us know how you’re doing.

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Social Entrepreneurs Fund on hold until further notice

Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, Firstport are temporarily suspending the Social Entrepreneurs Fund. This is to allow us to focus on the Third Force Resilience Fund, and ensure that the third sector remains supported during this time.

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Applications now open for Third Sector Resilience Fund

A new £20million fund to support organisations across the third sector who are at risk of closure due to the disruption caused by Coronavirus has launched. The fund will distribute £20m of emergency funds over the coming months.

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