
Case Studies

Scotland All Strong

Sport & Physical Activity, SEF - Start it

Scotland All Strong is a social enterprise that encourages a blended approach to improvement and self-management of mental health. They provide and promote physical activity, mindful relaxation, peer exchange, and support as powerful tools to benefit overall wellbeing.

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, SEF - Start it

EqualiTree is a social enterprise that provides training in land-based industries and heritage crafts to women and ethnic minorities: groups that have historically been excluded and under-represented from this work.

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Bendoran Watersports

Sport & Physical Activity, Social Innovation Competition

Inspired by a profound awe of the outdoors, a love of watersports, and a deep interest in emotional wellbeing, Jon Lloyd set up Bendoran Watersports. The social enterprise will provide sea kayaking and sailing opportunities, to enhance the wellbeing of the people of the Ross of Mull and Iona. 

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Plant Paradise

, Social Innovation Competition

Plant Paradise is a social enterprise which provides an online platform to connect volunteers with planting projects in need of help. The founder, William Cutting, is on a mission to re-establish lost ecosystems across Scotland by creating a service that will bring all planting and greening organisations together.

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Just Dive CIC

Sport & Physical Activity, Social Innovation Competition

Just Dive CIC was founded by Laura Hamilton. The social enterprise provides an accessible and affordable scuba diving experience for all.

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Circular Economy, SEF - Boost It

Hear from social entrepreneur Sandy Greene about her enterprise Scrapantics; how it has grown, been challenged, and thrived in difficult times.

#MakeChangeHappen #StartSomethingGood

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Orkney Cloth Company

Creative Industries (including Digital), SEF - Start it

Orkney Cloth Company was founded by India Johnson as a way to rejuvenate the textile industry in Orkeny. India aims to use her skills and passion in textiles to help younger people. Orkeny Cloth Company offers training and mini workshops to help individuals see their potential and inspire them to follow a career in textiles.

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Kaleyard CIC

Food & Drink, SEF - Build it

Sumayya Usmani started her social enterprise Kaleyard CIC to tackle social isolation, and unhealthy relationships with food by improving peoples’ cooking skills.

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Chattersense CIC

Health & Social Care, SEF - Build it

Sharon Craighead started their social enterprise Chattersense CIC when they noticed how few services there were available for children and families who disabilities or conditions that are not easily ‘treatable’.

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