

Find out more about Firstport, social enterprise in Scotland and how we can help you get your idea off the ground!

What is Social Enterprise?

Social enterprise is about running a business, making a profit, and using that money to create a positive impact.

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Who is Firstport?

Hello! We are Scotland’s agency for start-up social entrepreneurs and social enterprise.

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How can Firstport help you?

If you want to start a social enterprise in Scotland and need support to help you get there, you are in the right place.

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FirstImpact is our sister company, supporting entrepreneurs across all sectors to be impact-focused.

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Partner with us

We support start-up social entrepreneurs in Scotland to bring forward their ideas and make them happen, transforming lives, communities and the economy.

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Our responsibilities in action

At Firstport we are constantly striving to work in sustainable and responsible ways. Here’s a few of our policies, and actions, which are keeping us straight.

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