

Dr Poonam Malik – Board Member

Board Member of Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, & FirstImpact, Governor at University of Highlands & Islands, Member of Investing Women

University Med Tech Consultant Advisor, Life Sciences & Health Sector Expertise, Mentor, Social Entrepreneur and Angel Investor.

Dr Poonam Malik is an academic entrepreneurial research management leader with extensive experience of working in innovation, enterprise and partnership development within life sciences, healthcare, industry and academic business sectors globally.

As Board Member of the Scottish Enterprise Dr Malik is focussed on stimulating economic growth with businesses- and universities-link up and nurturing innovation with data and technology in the Scottish economy. With STEM background Dr Malik brings expertise and interest in the growth of life sciences, health and digital sector skills development across public, private, third and higher education research & commercialisation sectors. She is Governor/University Court member for University of the Highlands & Islands (UHI) and an Advisory Board Member for Wallet Services, an innovative Blockchain Technology Company harnessing the benefits of transformative Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). Dr Malik advises Royal Society of Edinburgh’s ‘Economy & Enterprise Committee (EEC)’ as Member, on economy, academia- business innovation, commercialisation & entrepreneurship policies. She is Director of the World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS), a Social Enterprise, supporting communities & health care organisations with United Nations for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally.

Dr Malik is an active Member of Investing Women Angels, Scotland’s only all Women Angel Investor Community supporting Women entrepreneurs and Female Company Founders with investment, mentoring, and training and also Member of Changing the Chemistry (CtC) supporting Board Advisory. A finalist in Scottish Women’s Awards 2019for ‘Social Leader of the Year’ award and Scottish Women’s Awards 2018finalistfor ‘Services to Education Leadership’ award Dr Malik has held positions in the Universities of  Edinburgh, Glasgow and Cumbria/Lancaster. She was awarded the Title of Assoc. PROFESSOR of Biomedical Sciences in 2015 and a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB) in 2017.

Dr Malik holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Glasgow; an MBA in Strategy and Leadership from the University of Edinburgh Business School; an MSc in Biotechnology (Animal Sciences) from Indian Veterinary Research Institute; and a BSc degree in Chemistry and Zoology.